Mon cher DirEx,
Voici un sujet d'actualite qui me tient a coeur. L'impact de l'election presidentielle americaine de l'an 2008 surla situation socio-politique et economique du Congo. En d'autres termes: A quoi devons-nous nous attendre si un Democrate (Obama) ou Republicain (MCaine) devient president de ce pays?
A tres bientot.
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3 commentaires:
Dear Nzwanga,
American politicians follow the interest of America as fish follows water. whoever will be President, democrat or republican, will do no thing in the Congo unless congolese people create an interest for America.Political and social situation of the Congo will not be improved by the West nor the East, but from inside the Congo. We have to accept the mission and decide to do it. If we can not do it ourselves, GOD himself can not do it for us. Because, HE, already bless us aboundingly. If we fail to do it, we have then to blame ourselves, nobody else. Do we think that it is just and fair that young people from other countries will come to fight and die for the Congo while us ,Congolese people, are dancing and our leaders are sucking the riches of the country?
We have to claim the country back from the vampires and our own viscosity. Diplomacy is not a random process, but a planified one. Countries that have lost less than a million people, have made a movies and memorials to remember their loved ones. We, congolese, have lost 5 millions of brothers and sisters. How many movies have we made? How many memorials have we built? If we do not care, why do others care?
To succeed in the Congo,
we have to change the way we think and act.
Docteur Nzwanga,
Les anglophones disent ceci: " You get what you negociated but not what you deserve..." Ceci pour dire que c'est aux congolais de determiner ce que les rapports peuvent etre entre la nouvelle administration americaine et le Congo. que Mcain, Obama ou Clinton soit president la politique exterieure des USA ne changera vraiment pas en grande ligne. Donc la balle et au camp des congolais.
personne peu faire grand chose pour nous, si on s'assume pas .les election americain ne chageras vraiment pas grand chose pour le congo.nous contunion de paye le prix de notre irresponsabilite,et le manque de serieu dans baucoup de chose que faison,je reste consient que l'avenir du congo depend des congolais eux meme.les enjeu du moment necessite baucoup de serieu et de responsabilite.pourquoi somme -nous arrive a ce point de desespoir? la reponse peu etre la cle'pour notre future
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